Ok i guess i will get the ball rolling
1 bug and 1 annoyance so far >
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Thanks for the update
When you say it "appears fine," do you mean that the bonus shows up when the ship is within the starbase's sphere of influence but not in combat? That's where I'm not seeing it. Once in combat, the bonus appears to be there, but I'm not even positive about that. This "bug," has been consistent with this beta for me.
It shows up on the ship's stats for me when in the sphere of influence of the starbase. Shows up in ship stats in combat as well.
This may be a stupid question, but you are aware that it doesn't show up in the Intelligence Report, correct? Based on your comments about in combat, I assume that's not what you're referring to, but I thought I'd check anyway. No offense meant.
Well, i was refering in my post to "slow tech rate", so developing all the guns tree is something that rarely happens in my games before the end, the techs cost to much (as it should be with the slow tech rate), so the option of wait while you develop guns don't exists. For the other poster:
1 - Their ship never got out of their world before they had produced a second
2 - I dont want to disable mega events, becouse of 1 of then that don't works if you chose a more slow tech rate.
Then give them something to chase. Make a game of cat and mouse out of it.
Nor did I, but after consistently being hit by the 5pc/wk global speed limit on huge and gigantic galaxies, and not wanting to exploit a bug that apparently does not merit fixing, I've been playing without them.
I wasn't aware of that (never really paid attention to the Intelligence Reports), but I also wasn't referring to the Intelligence Report. I was referring to the data that appears on the main screen when one merely selects a ship or fleet for movement etc. In several of my games, the Protection Field data has not been showing up in that display.
That's what I thought-and it is showing up perfectly fine for me in my games, both in combat and out of combat, in the ship stats when I have the ship selected-or stats toggled when in fleet combat view.
Have you by chance had a transfer from SDC to Impulse at some point without completely uninstalling and reinstalling your games? That seems to create fluke, otherwise non-reproduceable problems for some reason, which generally don't effect the actual running of the game, just the play thereof.
That's my best guess.
I was playing a very slow tech rate as well. I didn't research the advanced guns, just stole them from the dread lords. By letting them take a planet you are in a position to retake quickly, you have a pretty decent shot of swiping yourself some technologies that allow you to completely dominate the game.