Published on August 17, 2008 By The Watcher In Metaverse
As spoken by others (many in these forums i would think) "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Just had to say that as i have just posted my first military victory, and my first Metaverse score

Great game and a really enjoyable four year game with no real suprises, even though i had the random events thing on. I think the main reason i was able to win with out any apparent problems may have been down to a good base economy and being able to stay ahead technically throughout the game.

One thing i do not understand is how you guys manage to post such high scores? My normal, medium game only netted me 13k. Not a big score compared to most of you Metaverse players. So any hints on how to improve that please!

For the die hard out there my Metaverse profile can be found here >

My own little empire >

on Aug 17, 2008
Congratulations on joining the Metaverse!

As to how to improve your scores: There are some important techniques, but there aren't any real short cuts. It's a matter of gaining experience and improving your level of play. Joining an empire is also a very good idea, since their private forums can have a lot of valuable information and the more experienced players are typically very generous in offering help. I would recommend the Tyranny of Evil personally. In any case, welcome again, and have fun .
on Aug 18, 2008
Congratulations, 13K on a medium map is at the very least a good, solid score!

Some key points to higher scores (taken from discussions of far better players than me - I can't remember submitting any scores higher than 13K):
1) Speed. Just take a look at the ZYW (zero-year-win) thread to see the impact. Scores up to 40K have been achieved on tiny maps, by completing a military victory as soon as Metaverse allows it (which is somewhere in April, finishing sooner trips a cheat flag)
2) Speed in getting each score component (social, tech, military, econ) up. Crucial buildings here are econ capital, tech capital, manufacturing capital, spin control center. And the mind control center before it was fixed
Conquering minors and AI home planets works wonders for this as soon as they built some of those capitals.
3) Advanced weapons to boost military score, especially if you choose to be evil.
4) Difficulty: higher levels than "normal" give a higher score multiplier. In addition being forced to keep up with stronger AI's will make you improve faster too.
5) Game settings such as galaxy size, tech rate, availability of planets/stars/anomalies/... The more habitable planets, the higher your population (society score), economy and therefore military you can support.
on Aug 18, 2008
Thank you for the tips. I have a lot of learning to do i guess
on Aug 18, 2008
Tech is defintely the weak sister when it comes to scoring, so concentrate on things that boost your econ, military, and social scores. Do everything as early in the game as possible, and you will see a nice jump in your scores. The Spin Control Center is a efficient and easy way to really ramp up your military score. For social, put at least one farm on every planet to increase your population, and use fertility clinics to make it grow quickly. For econ, fill some worlds with nothing but economic buildings, which will pump up your score, and also consequently let you support a larger military, increasing that score too.

Kzinti empire2.JPG Sentient species taste better...
on Aug 18, 2008
Do everything as early in the game as possible, and you will see a nice jump in your scores.

Anyone that has banged out a sick scoring game can not say enough to emphasize this. I took it to heart and started making combat ships earlier, even though they were kinda limp. But get on the board early, and I saw a noticeable increase in my mil score at the end of the game.

And congrats on the win!! Start up a new one and slaughter some more