As an old timer i must admit to never playing any of the HoMM range, however i have liked what i have seen on the web and i am looking to purchase one of the games to try for myself.

To that end i am asking the members of these forums which version i should purchase? Is number one still far better than five? I need your advise as i have no idea myself.


Many thanks.


The Watcher


Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 16, 2008

LOL Liking HoMM3 so much ihave now ordered HoMM5 too

on Nov 16, 2008

You may want to get King Bounty in the future which is more like a RPG where Homm is more strategy. Both have the same  battle system.

on Nov 16, 2008

If you're that into them, don't pass on 2.  The first you can do without, but 2 really is a classic.

on Nov 17, 2008

Is anybody online willing to play a duel on HOMM 5? (I want to try the Hamachi program - a little application which simulates a LAN, allowing to play online eluding )

on Nov 17, 2008

The Watcher
LOL Liking HoMM3 so much ihave now ordered HoMM5 too

Be sure to take the expansion tribes of the east. The vanilla HoMM5 isn't so great.

on Nov 17, 2008

Be sure to take the expansion tribes of the east. The vanilla HoMM5 isn't so great.

Luckily it was this one i ordered and all i can say is wow! The graphics are soo much better than version 3


BTW i cant seem to find how to purchase additional heroes? Plus is there no city construction in version 5?

on Nov 17, 2008

The UI is shit, it's all in there.

on Nov 18, 2008

For new heroes you need ... a tavern And there is city construction !!!

on Nov 18, 2008

A question...

I purchased the Tribes of the East version but there does not seem to be that many senarios etc in there, should i purchase the vanilla version as well or maybe just get any additional expansions?


on Nov 18, 2008

I never touched 4 and 5 so I can't testify, but I loved 3.

I should probably DL the 3.5 mod and give it another shot after I played through Wizardry 6 again (which would be by tonight *grin*).

Yes I'm becoming quite a bit of an retro player lately.


Concerning Age of Wonders 2:

I tried to get an english copy of Shadow Magic for ages - to no avail.



on Nov 18, 2008

The Watcher
A question...

I purchased the Tribes of the East version but there does not seem to be that many senarios etc in there, should i purchase the vanilla version as well or maybe just get any additional expansions?


Go to that site :

I'm sorry, it's in french but i'll try to explain to you what you need.

Just download

campaign data, textes anglais, voix des scènes de dialogue --> anglais.

Put all those files in your UserMods folder. Then you'll be able to play all campaigns.

There isn't a lot of maps in ToTE, but you can find a lot on internet

on Nov 18, 2008

The Watcher
I purchased the Tribes of the East version but there does not seem to be that many senarios etc in there

When you go into the custom scenario selection screen, be sure to check, on top, the show multiplayer maps option. If you do so, a lot of other maps will then appear, and if you download gamer created multiplayer maps from the Internet, they will appear in the list, if you have checked the option to show them in the list. There are a lot of interesting maps available on the Internet.

on Nov 18, 2008


A useful HOMM website.  You can find campaigns and such. I'd recommend the unofficial manual and the skill wheel.

By the way, many of the campaign scenarios don't feature city building, even though that is still a major part of the game, so that might be where you're confused.  I'd still recommend getting all three parts if you can.

on Nov 18, 2008

after I played through Wizardry 6 again (which would be by tonight *grin*).

Now this one caught my interest.  How are the later Wizardries?    I played 1-3 as a kid, and later Return of Werdna (is that 4?).   Didn't really touch Cosmic Forge.  I think I got stuck on some puzzle pieces and just stopped playing at some point.

on Nov 18, 2008

Go to that site :

I'm sorry, it's in french but i'll try to explain to you what you need.

Just download

campaign data, textes anglais, voix des scènes de dialogue --> anglais.

Put all those files in your UserMods folder. Then you'll be able to play all campaigns.

There isn't a lot of maps in ToTE, but you can find a lot on internet



How about " Animations pour les cutscenes (271Mb)"?

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