Published on September 26, 2008 By The Watcher In Twilight of the Arnor

Ok i guess i will get the ball rolling


1 bug and 1 annoyance so far >


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Thanks for the update


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on Oct 02, 2008

Jonnan: Look under Governors in Civilization Manager and switch it from Military to Planetary governors.

For the record, the "buttons" there don't do anything, you have to double click.  Secondly, they go in in reverse order (adding a factory, starport, lab will tell it to build lab, starport, factory, in that order) and at present reordering them does not save.

on Oct 02, 2008

Ah - I figured I was missing something obvious.


on Oct 02, 2008

Ah - I figured I was missing something obvious.


You're not alone.  Either I've overlooked a simple and easy way to access the planetary governor on a planet-by-planet basis, or it just doesn't exist.  And the remapped Ctrl+P shortcut doesn't suffice in my book.

Without something to make the actual setting of governors easier, not to mention, God forbid, changing them-as it stands it'd be easier to change a governor's contents than to switch a number of planets to a new governor-in my mind it's even worse than micromanaging all of them.

Don't get me wrong, I like the feature very much.  I just feel it's lacking in accessibility.

on Oct 02, 2008

Just out of curioosity - does it save governors from game to game as a template? Hope so.


on Oct 02, 2008

Just out of curioosity - does it save governors from game to game as a template? Hope so.


Nope, not yet at least .

on Oct 03, 2008

Without some sort of 'saving' options, i doubt i'll ever bother using these. Chicken_or the_Egg.

I'd need *another* tab, too; Research Governor!

Imagine listing all the techs and being able to develop patterns for strategic pathways; focus on defense, diplomacy, science, speed, etc.

on Oct 03, 2008

Governor definitely needs to be saved between games - probably should be keyed to the tech tree so you can use it for Atarian, etcetera.

Would *like* it to simply be selectable from the colony menu, the same way you can tackle the starport queues.

That said - I *swear* something is off about the economy - I absolutely can *not* stay afloat economically. No matter how I tweak taxes and production I'm barely able to keep approval high enough to expand my population. I've slowed down expansion, I've used starbases, I've focused on the economic techs, at best after a couple years I am barely keeping myself in the black, the one game I did I got hit by a recession and was at - 1500 *one* turn later.

The only good thing about it is that going by the rate of the AI expansion, it's not actually faring much better.

Is anyone else having this issue, or am I just losing my mind?


on Oct 03, 2008

The economy is a bit different than in DA.  Lots of the buildings cost more maintenance, so you need to place less money-sucking buildings (or demolish some of the ones you already have).  Use the asteroids where possible to avoid building so many factories.  Ensure theat your colonies have the best population, by building transports (a coloniser with an extra colony module, or a proper troop transport) to move excess population where it's needed.  Research better economy buildings and cost-efficient labs/factories.

If you have created a decent military, extortion works too.

on Oct 03, 2008

@Jonann:  I definitely think there was a change in the formula; as before with the Krynn with an 80% morale bonus, I could set my taxes to 59%  (or even higher) and maintain 100% morale, now it drops once I get into the 50s; but as for actual maintenance costs and true income levels- i haven't seen anything there as of yet.


my only "gripe" so far, is the planetary gov'r; i just haven't been able to use it effectively as of yet and that is kinda sucking.  I think the potential is there, but it needs to be a little easier UI, and definitely needs to change to a "First In, First Out" format-; I would love a Save Build List too but alas that may not be possible.


I've been playing an Immense Giga map and everything seems to be going alright; I have it on Max CPU (and Maso difficulty).   Terrans (esp, in every game i've played the Terrans have been the ones to beat), Iconians (surprise!), and Thalans rocked out from the gate- Altarians dragged this time, which kind suprised me.  Arceans, Korx, Drengin, Yor, and Korath have had very limited and slow growth.  I've been noticing since I got TA that the "evil" races have had a hard time getting anywhere; and I'm not sure why- i've played as all three and have had the capacity to compete just fine; but they- esp the Korath, just end up turtling.  As for the Arceans, it may be just a speed issue, but I'm not really sure as they are one race I haven't played yet.

on Oct 03, 2008

Marvin Kosh
The economy is a bit different than in DA.  Lots of the buildings cost more maintenance, so you need to place less money-sucking buildings (or demolish some of the ones you already have).  Use the asteroids where possible to avoid building so many factories.  Ensure theat your colonies have the best population, by building transports (a coloniser with an extra colony module, or a proper troop transport) to move excess population where it's needed.  Research better economy buildings and cost-efficient labs/factories.

If you have created a decent military, extortion works too.

I've played and won games under Twilight - this isn't just differences in maintenance - Take a class 20+ planet, put a colony, a star port, four traditional factories, a farm, a recruiting center, and spam the rest with economic building - total 'profit' at 8-12 billion people? between 10 and 20 bc (12 was the number I remembered). I can't get any speciaized worlds going at all, and like I said, when I hit a recession I went down so fast it was simply unplayable.

Before I hit recession I was on year 4 or five - My homeworlds population would not go above about 13 to 14 billion, because the morale would go into 'losing population' territory'  - by the time my taxes are high enough for me to break even financially, the morale is below the break even point and I am *losing* population.

I considered the possibility that it might be my working with an unfamiliar tech tree (I wanted the Psilons to try out the Altarian tree), but like I said, it seems to be hitting the AI's as well - I was below average on economy (70-80), but other than the Krynn (We got hit by the agent event - the Krynn recovered first, go fig - {G}) , nobody else seemed to be just jumping out like gangbusters either.

If I'm not doing something ridiculously stupid (And given the AI's, I honestly don't think I am), then I'm not sure if it's the tax base, economics, or morale, but *something* has gone very off kilter.


Edit: If no one else is experiencing this, I suppose I should ask - Is it possible I have a bad install?

on Oct 03, 2008

hmmm...while I do think my morale bonuses do seem lower (i really should be testing with facts and figures- ive just been more concerned with the raw ability to play the game so far) i'm not having the econ issues you seem to be experiencing, nor does the majority of the AI in my game.


ok: Tested at Tough Difficulty across the board


Dread Lords- Altarians- Class 12

Morale 30, Econ 10

Income 29, Spending 6, Maintenance 1

Approval Rating at 59% Tax Rate: 53


Dark Avatar- Terrans- Class 10

Morale 30, Econ 10

Income 22, Spending 6, Maintenance 1

Approval Rating at 59% Tax Rate: 60


Twilight of the Arnor- Iconians- Class 14

Morale 30, Econ 10

Income 24, Spending 5, Maintenance 0

Approval Rating at 59% Tax Rate: 58


Observations:  Dark Avatar obviously has the best morale since Earth doesn't even get the 10% high PQ bonus and yet still manages to have the highest approval rate even at a higher tax rate.  But DA also has the lowest starting income and of all the versions.  This means DA is especially powerful for the Krynn and Torians, as both races can manage exceptional population growth (due to high morale) that is harder to acheive in the other two versions.

But in any case, this really shows that, at least at the start, Twilight isn't that much different from the other two versions.  The big thing in TA that's been said over and over by Brad and players is that it takes a MANAGED start, not the rush that was so common in DL and DA.

on Oct 04, 2008

In several minutes of testing (I'll do it more thoroughly later, but GCII is angering me at the moment, with regards to something else), I'm not noticing a morale difference from DA to TA.

I am, however, noticing a civ capital difference-from 40% in DA to 25% in TA.  I could have sworn TA was at 40% as well, and I'll be uninstalling the beta and installing 1.96 in a minute here to check.  There's also the fact that TA colonies are 10% morale as opposed to DA's 5%, in addition to TA's colonies only sucking down 10 maintenance a piece instead of 12 on initial colonies, but those should both be changes in your economic favor.

If you're researching at 100% funding, though, you've got an extra 4 research per colony (but not the homeworld) [you also have 2 less industry but that's not relevant for our purposes], which would more than cancel out the decreased colony would having anything actually built on them.

Interestingly, my homeworld produces slightly more income in TA than in DA-apparently due to the civ capital now giving a 10% planetary economic bonus.  Normal colonies, however, produce the exact same amount of money as in DA 1.80g.

And once again Silverbeacher beats me to a reply.  Hopefully you can still glean something useful from it.

on Oct 04, 2008

Sole Soul

And once again Silverbeacher beats me to a reply.  Hopefully you can still glean something useful from it.


I specifically time my posts

on Oct 04, 2008

Well, I'm confused - Like I said, I just got off a 1.96 game of TA where I wiping the floor with the game (On my wussy 'normal' level of play) and on 1.99 I can't even get past 65% production.

At this point - I have to think some file just didn't upgrade quite right and it's having a weird interaction that killing the economy or morale, because it *never* takes me three years to get my economy going - I'd be dead if I did.

Sucks to be me - a reinstall it is then!


on Oct 04, 2008

Well, it's 25% morale for civ capital in 1.96 as well, so that's not it.

I don't mind, Silver.


With Altarians (with no bonuses selected), and only having researched up to Temples for +10 morale, at 13B people on my homeworld, I can hold 53% approval at 39% tax or 38% approval at 49% tax-even 59% tax only puts me at...oh, there it is, 17%.

Same numbers in 1.96 as well as 1.99rc.


Did you by chance get hit by the disease at some point and not notice?

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